Steamboat Nights

Steamboat Nights

Steamboat Nights 2024

 Our annual Steamboat Nights are right around the corner. Enjoy two evenings packed full of family-friendly fun on the Big Four Park Lawn. With hot air balloons, rides, live music, captivating art, and great food; you’re sure to light up at this once-a-year glow-in-the-dark celebration.

Big Four Park Lawn
299 Pearl Street
Jeffersonville, In 47130

Friday & Saturday, October 4th & 5th
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM

Music Line-Up

October 4th
The Black Ties @ 7:30 PM
Southern Avenue @ 9:00 PM

October 5th
Hippies & Cowboys @ 7:30 PM
The Ark Band @ 9: 00 PM


  • Hot Air Balloon Glow
  • Silent Disco
  • Live Art & Muralists
  • Live Music
  • Amusement Rides
  • Food Trucks
  • Bouncy Park